Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ohio Conference Focuses on Adults with Autism

The Medical University of Ohio at Toledo is holding an interesting two-day conference Thursday and Friday this week focusing on the issues involved in caring for adults with autism spectrum disorders. (You can see a brochure here.) Friday's program includes a field trip to Bittersweet Farms, a residential and day program for adults with ASD, in Whitehouse, Ohio.

Organizers are claiming the conference is the first in its area to focus specifically on issues related to adults with autism, including drug treatment, life expectancy, job training and family support. This story from the Toledo Blade introduces readers to some people who attend Bittersweet Farms while telling readers about the conference. Barb Yavorcik, president of the Autism Society of Ohio, tells the newspaper that it's often difficult for families to find facilities like Bittersweet Farms that cater to adults with autism.

The conference is set up for doctors, educators and support service providers, and includes a lineup of doctors speaking about autism in adults and reviewing some research about interventions for children and what that means when the kids grow up.

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