Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What Do You Tell E.R. Staff About Your Child's Autism?

Last weekend, we had the opportunity to take our young child with an autism spectrum disorder to the emergency room. (He's going to be fine.) The experience made me wonder what other parents do to explain to emergency room staff (doctors, nurses, admissions, registration and security people) about this disability that can impair communication, especially in unusual and stressful environments.

As an experiment, I am using a tool called Quimble.com to create a quick online survey for Autism Bulletin readers. Vote below. If poll does not appear, go to this site to vote:


Anonymous said...

Cool poll. Will you post the results? Also -- have you come across any expert advice on what emergency or medical personnel would like parents to tell them about their ASD kids? If you find any, please share. Thanks!

Michael Goldberg said...

Thanks! Yes, we have posted some information about safety. A good resource to check out is www.autismriskmanagement.com.

Elizabeth Macdonald said...

This is a teaching opportunity. Tell them, using words that focus on your Childs strengths.
Write a script and rehearse it, assuming you may be unsettled by the ER experience!
Like " My son has Autism. It means he's smart and we respect him by explaining why he is here, and what will be done - ahead of time. Here are copies of a guide (as short as possible one page max) to my son that will help you help him. Can you make sure all staff that treats him read it? I realise everyone is busy, but perhaps one cab be added to his chart? Do you know about Autism?
